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信息与通信工程 | 国际会议信息2条
信息与通信工程 IEEE Radar Conference 2020 IEEE Radar Conference
全文截稿: 2020-03-30 开会时间: 2020-09-21 会议地点: Florence, Italy 网址: include, but are not limited to:
Antenna Technology
Radar Subsystems and Components
Radar Phenomenology and Scattering
Radar Systems
Space-Based Radar Systems and Missions
Space-Based/Airborne Radar Remote Sensing Applications
Ground-Based Remote Sensing Applications
Civilian Radar Applications
Radar and Multisensor Tracking
High-Resolution Radar Imaging and Classification
Cognitive Sensing and Learning Methods
Waveform Diversity and Design
Multistatic and Passive Radar
Radar Detection Theory
ECCM and Interference Cancellation
Radar and Sonar Signal/Data Processing
信息与通信工程 IRC 2020 IET International Radar Conference
全文截稿: 2020-03-31 开会时间: 2020-11-04 会议地点: Chongqing, China 网址: International Radar Conference 2020 will be held on 4-6 November 2020 in Chongqing city, China. This is the fifth IET International Radar Conference series in China after the first four successful conferences held in April 2009, Guilin, April 2013, Xi’an, October 2015, Hangzhou, and October 2018, Nanjing, respectively. The conference aims to introduce the latest technological development and academic research hot issues of the radar technology, especially the latest researches and applications of civilian radar technology. It will provide a platform for radar experts and technicians to exchange ideas and achievements. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and be submitted to IET Inspec and IEEE Xplore. After the conference, the papers will be submitted for EI Compendex.
文章来源:《信息通信技术与政策》 网址: http://www.xxtxzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/0804/511.html